Power Electronics For Renewable Energy Systems

a photovoltaic system, solar, solar energy @ Pixabay
This article about uh waters from the renewable energy systems and what is the impact of power electronics in this renewable energy so because why i’m telling uh this renewable energy system means uh the before the invention of this power electronics so the the invention of the power electronics make a great difference in this renewable energy systems so let us see one by one so let us i am going to the next slide yeah so i hope that you are all uh seeing t his so in those webinar what we are going to discuss is so we are going to discuss about the energy scenario and after that we are going to we discuss about that wind and as well as hydro and after that what are the softwares we are going to be use for those renewable energy systems then apart from that we are going to see one demo also and after that we are going to see about the case study and at last uh going to see about the job opportunities before that we are going to see about the evoluti ons so what are the evolutions happened in the speed so because uh not in one or two days this evolution was happen so it was happened uh year by year and it tooks almost 50 years so let us we see one by one so let us i am going to into the content so so first of all i am going to explain about the energy scenario so let us come to the point so regarding that energy so whenever we are going to speak about that energy so we all know about that so without electricity we couldn’t able to run anythi ng am i right yes so regarding this so whenever uh we are in need of electricity so we must require the generating station so using that generating stations only we are going to reduce the electricity and through the transmission and as well as through the distribution so that electricity which is produced in the generating station is reaching us and as a consumer end that is as a consumer our customer we are getting that electrical energy and we are utilizing forever uh all day-to-day purposes okay and here in this world energy consumption so here uh some of the things has been given so let us uh we see one by one so in the total energy so 27 percentage of the energy so which are being produced by used by the households itself so those social something but now i am in my home and right now you are also in my in your omar office so for these purposes itself
that 27 percentage of that energy has been utilized and the next one is the commercial buildings so the commercial buildings is no thing but so the shops and as well as the malls and as well as the uh the day-to-day uh running uh shops and all those things comes under these commercial buildings and the next one is the very much importance of the transport so as all we know that uh so in uh while we are uh traveling uh by train or otherwise or through by a bus or by car so nowadays uh the electricity impact is very very more in the transportation itself so almost uh all the trains that is uh are converted into a identificati on and foreign countries and as well as in developing countries also in right now and at last the manufacturing industry so the manufacturing industry itself they are utilizing 25 percentage of the energy so what is produced okay and let us uh we come to the uh next one so the consumption of sectors so the consumption of coal and acids lignite so why here in the initial period itself we are going to see about this coal and as well as this lignite means almost in all over the world so like in dev eloping countries or in developing countries the thermal power plant is playing a vital role to produce the electrical energy so that’s why here they are mentioning the code so here let us we see about this code so while you are seeing uh on the screen that.
The estimated cold the total consumption of coal is nothing but by the industry is 587.81 metric tons so in the year of 2009 to 2010 yeah before 11 years okay but while you are seeing the same thing in 2018 to 2019 so it has been increased tr emendously to 968.25 metric tons so here cj uh sorry ca gr is nothing but compound uh annual growth rate so here the compound annual growth rate is nothing but 5. 12 percentage okay and regarding the cold the coal has been growing the annual rate of 7.7 percentage okay since 7.76 percentages during 2018-19 over 2017-18 so you see the difference that is within a year itself the usage of coal has been higher to 7.76 percentage and as you uh know that so you all aware about that coal so the coal is rcentage and let us uh come to the next one that is the lignite so it is also the same so like we are using like coal and it does are going to use in the thermopower plant for the protection of the electricity so we’re not making the heat energy so here all that lignite has been increased from 3.41 metric ton so that is in the year of 2009 to 2010 so the usage of lignite is 34.41 but it has been increased to 45.81 metric tons in the year 2018-19 itself and it has been registering a growth of tha ricity itself we are using this lignite about eighty two point two three percentage i hope that you are all understanding so this coal and lignite is playing a vital role in the production of electrical energy generation and here let us you can see here that is the cold is not only used in the electrical industry there is electrical generation
it is also used in the steel industry also so you all know that okay so steel is a very very important one for the economical growth of a country and as w s they are utilizing 12 metric tons and as well as the 70 industries so eight percent each so there is 8.82 metric tons of coals has been used in these industries so these are the uh major industries why they are using their coals because without that coal so they couldn’t able to achieve their day-to-day targets and as well as a day-to-day production and let us come to the next one so after this cold and as well as that lignite so we are also using the crude oil and as well as the natural gases n increased to 257 million matic 10 in the year of 2018-19 and here also you can see the cjgr there is a compound annual growth rate is 3.26 percentage so within the certain years so it has been increased to 3.26 and as well as here you also see another thing that is a 251.93 million metric ton to 257 million metric ton okay so which has given a growth rate of two point zero nine percentage okay so uh uh dear friends also what you want to note it note down us the usage and as well as the growth ases they are producing uh some amount of insects defector so likewise they are producing and you can see here then after that that natural gas has been used in a power generation so we are using 22 percentage for our power generation also and 17 percentage of natural gas are used for transportation purposes i hope that you are already here that uh in many countries and now they are uh running the buses or the transport vehicles using a bio gases okay so that is mainly used in the developing cou s has been used and you can see the bar chart so in this uh charter you can uh see the in which are all the sectors the power is utilized much more so that is the natural gas and as well as in what are all the sectors the natural gas usage is less and you can see here that is the fertilizer industry is very very
high it is shown in a orange color and that apart from that fertilizer industry so we are using this natural gas in refineries also and apart from that we are using that as a in a previo early and you can also see through this slide and next to that is where we are using these petroleum products apart from those natural gas that is we are using this uh petroleum products in our high speed diesel engines and as well as we are also using petrol like a lpg like a diesel and all those things so that is comes under these petroleum products so there is a 39.18 percentage as a total consumption here they are mentioning and in the year of 2018-19 and here sorry yeah and here you can see industrial we are using 42 percentage of the electricity and for the agriculture we are using 18 percentage and for domestic purposes that is the domestic purposes nothing but our homes and as well as the commercial buildings so they are they are using 24 percentage and apart from that for a few commercials they are using eight percentage and at lost you can see the traction and as well as the railways so what they are using of electricity the total production is to only two percentage because i ntage and here the electricity consumption in the industrial sector has been increased tremendously while we are comparing with the 2019 and as well as to 2018-19 and you all know the difference and you are all feeling the difference also because in the era for 2009 and 2010 only so the industrial revolution which is happened in our country that is in india is slowly boomed and after that year of 2019 once after the globalization the industrial development was very very high so that’s why here y nd 6.7 percentage and you also see the elk losses because in india so once we
are producing a hundred percentage electricity so that is not going to be given to the consumer end due to the various sectors what has happened in the transmission and as well as in the distribution side network since we are trying to reducing the transmission and as well as the distribution side losses even though due to the construction of that uh transmission line and as well as the distribution line using uh sever 9 so before two years and uh here the coal has uh play a major role so using that coal only so we are producing a 45 percentage of the energy and using that recruit petroleum 33 percentage and using that lignite we are producing two percentage and natural gas here we are producing seven percentage and electricity from hydro and a nuclear and other renewable sources that is only 30 percentage and you can see here also so that is the per capita energy consumption so the per capita energy consumpti re they within these uh six or seven years the conception of their mechanicals has been increased and the annual increase in per capita energy there is a per energy consumption is nothing but 2018-19 over 2017-18 was 3.67 percentage has been increased and there has been a shown here you can see here that is in the 2012 13 uh that is uh 2790 has been utilized and it has been increasing and in any one year okay so you can’t able to
see that it has been decreased why because due to that modern uh m is much more while comparing with this year and next year and next year and uh let us uh we come to the subject so that is the renewable energy system so i have explained the initial things the introduction means so we are having two categories so one is a non-renewable energy sources and another one is the renewable energy sources and uh in a non-renewable energy sources we are producing the electrical energy for almost uh nearly 90 or 80 years and we are utilizing but it has been predicted th they are running the uh cause using their electrical uh supply itself like uh for one example is a tesla okay so in the us uh the tesla development is some very very high so that’s why that impact has been uh more social to all countries now in may much more many many countries they are uh having a sign with uh that a tesla company for the production of that uh core so in their countries so like denmark or germany or france or otherwise some developed countries and in developing countries also ave then uh fuel cell then uh super capacitors so using these things we can able to produce the electrical energy so under that the first one comes under the wind energy and you can see here that is using this window we can able to produce the electricity and the major consideration in
this windows only when the availability of the wind is available in a particular area that is we are having some calculations and for that calculations if the wind is available means in that area we can able to pr he much more development in the technology even we are having wind leaf also so using that wind leaf you can able to produce 3.3 kilowatt hour per day itself that is that wind leave has been set up in paris and that paris as it has been commercialized and in much more places that wind leaf has been installed and in developing countries also the project is under consideration and also i have involved in that uh wind leaf research project and i’ve got uh 20 lakhs fund from one department and that wise so this cyclic process has been happening and due to this cycling so like oversight so the wind turbine or the windmill which we are going to install in a particular area is going to be rotated and we are going to get a analytical energy through this wind damage and let us uh we see here so it is estimated that one percentage to three percentage of energy from the sun is eating the earth so all over the world so they have estimated that so here only one percentage to three percentage s going to be heat up while comparing with the c so our land will get more heat energy while comparing with the c so that’s why in land we are setting up the windmills very high instead of that c and you can see the principles of the wind turbine cure so that is using that kinetic energy only so there is a key is of me square so you already studied this kinetic energy in your physics uh itself so in your schooling or otherwise in your college first years or second years and this wind has been co d mill so in a particular area only after uh we are calculating the calculations using the anemometer we are going to see the wind speed uh how much of wind speed averagely in a year we are getting so likewise we are going to calculate and after that only we are going to see about this wind energy”
Power Electronics For Renewable Energy Systems
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